Saturday, March 15, 2014

Review 190: Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

Let's keep the rum run running. This time I've got a miniature of the ubiquitous Captain Morgan Spiced Rum. Why even review this? Hasn't everyone tried The Captain before? ;-)

Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

Color: Amber -1

ABV: 35% (boo)

Aroma Neat:
Caramel, Artificial Vanilla, Cardboard (a lot), Brown Sugar, Fatty Corn Sweetness, Wood Glue (vaguely), Oxidized Chocolate,

Pretty fake tasting, like most flavored spirits I've encountered. There is a big, stale cardboard note, which I'm none too pleased about.

Aroma Water:
More of the same.

Less fake, more watery (go figure...).

Taste Neat:
Imitation Vanilla Extract, Oak, Stale Marshmallows, Nutmeg (am I dreaming?).

Fake. Hits a few intended notes in an unsatisfying way.

Taste Water:
Cardboard, Chocolate, Fake Vanilla, Toasted Marshmallows (the  only pleasant thing so far).

I can't go on.

Bitter Oak, Char, Vanilla.

Like the rest of this rum, there is very artificial feel to the finish with a lingering bitterness.
A "Frankenstein" spirit. Engineered to taste like something, but clearly not natural.

Rating: No rating

Get Bacardi Gold instead. That's a treat!

I try not to be overly negative in my reviews. I debated not even posting this one. However, I feel that the job of a reviewer is to inform the consumer. I won't give a rating, because that's just not needed. You know I don't care for this rum, which is all I intended to convey.

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